St Paul's provides a number of opportunities for service to Christ including, but not limited to -
Property Committee
A committee that meets the second Tuesday of every month at 12:00pm to oversee all maintenance and repair of the property.
Church Council
A group of individuals elected by the congregation to oversee the general operation and health of St Paul's. The Church
Council meets the second Thursday of each month at 7:00pm.
Fellowship & Social Ministry Committee
A committee that meets the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm to plan activities to promote fellowship and social
opportunities not only for the members of St Paul's but also in support of the surrounding community. The Fellowship & Social
Committee also oversees the individual Fellowship Groups that provide the Fellowship Breaks between the services on the
third Sunday of each month as well as the funeral luncheons. Additional assistance is always appreciated with the individual
Fellowship Groups even if there is no interest in serving on the committee.
A group of ladies within St Paul's that meets the fourth Monday of each month at 12:00pm for a luncheon, Bible Study and
brief meeting with the purpose of supporting one another while engaging in ministry and action to promote healing and
wholeness in the church, society and the world.
Worship & Music Committee
A committee that meets as needed to support the well-being of the worship and music life at St Paul's.
Wednesday Evening Activities
During the months of September-May each year, Wednesday evenings are filled with supper, handbell practice, Prayer Time
and Senior Choir.
During the months of September-May, the Senior Choir meets on Wednesday evenings each week at 7:30pm to practice in
order to provide the Choir Anthem and Special Music during the Sunday morning Worship Services.
During the months of September-May, the Handbell Choir meets on Wednesday evenings each week at 6:15pm to practice in
order to provide Offertory Music and Special Music during the Worship Services.
Special Music
During the months of June-August, while the Senior Choir and Handbells take a break, the worship services are filled with
members, guests and groups that provide special music. Special Music opportunities are also invited during other special
occasions throughout the year.
Ladies Bible Study
During the months of September-May, a group of ladies meet the first and second Monday of each month at 10:00am for
Bible Study.
Youth Group - Keepers of the Fire
An active youth group that meets at least once a month to plan activities to support the well-being of St Paul's and the
community while providing opportunities for fun as well as leadership for the youth. -
Sunday School
Sunday School is held each Sunday at 9:15am with opportunities of all ages.
Confirmation & First Communion
Catechism classes are held every Wednesday, September-May, at 6:15pm and First Communion instruction can be
scheduled as needed, for all ages.
Classes for Baptismal instruction and Baptism for all ages can be scheduled at any time.
Financial Committee
A group of members that meet as needed throughout the year to support the financial well-being of St Paul's, with emphasis in
the fall to plan the budget for the upcoming year.