Annual Congregationa/Potluck Meeting
The Annual Congregation/Potluck Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 26, 2025 in the Fellowship Hall following the 10:30am Worship Service. Please bring a dish or two of your favorites to share with everyone. The drinks and table service will be provided. The Annual Report for St Paul's Lutheran Church will be available at the meeting.
Super Bowl Sub Sale
The ladies of COTTA will be having a Super Bowl Sub Sale this year... order forms are available on the wooden table in the back of the sanctuary, in the office and in the back of the weekly bulletin. Thank you for your support of this COTTA fundraiser!
2025 Council Members?
Are you interested in being a Council Member in 2025? Please see one of the current members or contact the office if this is something that interests you. Several seats will be open for the coming year.
Update! Youth Group - NALC Disaster Response
New Item being collected by the Youth Group! The Youth Group will be collecting items all winter to put together Flood Buckets in the spring. Right now, they are collecting Gift Cards of any amount to Lowe's, Home Depot, or Menards (**please be sure to put the dollar amount on it somewhere). You can bring your donations to the church and place them in the School Bus box at the back of the sanctuary. Thank you!
2024 Giving Statements
The 2024 Giving Statements that were not picked up on Sunday, January 12, were mailed out on Tuesday, January 14. Please watch your mailbox for those and don't hesitate to contact the office with any questions or discrepancies. Thank you for all your contributions throughout 2024!!
Church Christmas Decorations
Thank you to all of those that came to help take down the Christmas Decorations on Saturday, January 11. Extra help is always needed and greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Offering Envelopes
The 2025 Offering Envelopes are available in the back of the sanctuary. If you can't find your name but would like envelopes, please feel free to take one of the blank boxes. If you take a blank box, please contact the office with the box number so that it can be connected with your name in the accounting system. Thank you!!
2025 Altar Flower Chart
The 2025 Altar Flower Chart is hanging on the bulletin board in the main entrance at the rear of the sanctuary and has a lot of openings for the new year. Please take a look and fill in your special Sundays for 2025. The office will be in touch with you as your Sunday approaches with reminders and help if needed. Thank you to those that provide the beautiful flowers throughout the year!
Lost & Found
A set of keys have been turned into the office that were found in one of the purses that was donated to the Rummage Sale. If you think they might be yours or if you hear of anyone looking for a set, please direct them to the office.
2024 Lay Readers Sign-Up
The 2025 Lay Reader Sign-Up Sheets are hanging on the bulletin board in the main entrance to the sanctuary in the rear and have a lot of openings for the new year. Your help is needed for a Sunday or two at a time, or a full month, whichever works best for you. You will receive reminders and copies of your readings from the office as you Sunday(s) approach. If something comes up and you are unable to read, please find a substitute. Thank you for your help with this throughout the year!
Wednesday Evening Activities
The Wednesday Evening Activities include the Wednesday Night Supper at 5:15pm, Catechism at 6:15pm, Handbell Practice at 6:15pm and Senior Choir at 7:30pm. New members for the handbells and choir are always welcome so please mark your calendars and plan to attend!
BORN Blessing Box Donations
A box is still available in the back of the sanctuary for the BORN Blessing Box donations. Your continued support of this community service is greatly appreciated!
Communion Assistants Needed
Communion Assistants are needed once a month, especially for the 8:15am worship service. If this is something you might be able to help out with, please contact Cheryl Luidhardt or the office. Thank you!
Help Needed to Run the Sound System
Help is needed with running the sound system during the worship services, especially the 8:15am service. If this is something that you would be interested in learning, please let the office know or talk to Brandon.
Sunday School Director Needed
The Education Department is in need of a Sunday School Director and also someone to lead the younger children in Music at the beginning of the Sunday School Hour each Sunday and while singing during the Worship Services once a month. Please see Dave Crum if this is something that you feel may be a good fit for you.
Photo Privacy
Please contact the office if you do not wish to have your photo in the newsletter, website, or the church social media site(s). Our wishes are to protect our member's privacy while still promoting our church to the community.
Portals of Prayer
The January, February, and March 2025 Portals of Prayer are available at all the entrances to the sanctuary and in the office.
Save Your Aluminum Can Tabs
Please save your aluminum can tabs to benefit the Ronald McDonald House. You will find a container on the table in the back of the Church and in the Fellowship Hall. Thank you!
Kroger Community Rewards
Thank you to everyone who has signed up through Kroger Community Rewards. If you are not signed up, login to and the find the community rewards. Our organization is St. Paul's Youth and our number is EL241. Thanks again.