
2024 Fairgates Thank you

Thank you to all who volunteered to help with the fair gates this year. The day went very well! An extra big thank you to those that asked friends to come help, those who worked extra and those who jumped in at the last minute to make sure everything was covered. It is all greatly appreciated!!

First Sunday Luncheon

You are invited to join the youth for another First Sunday Luncheon on Sunday, August 4, 2024, 11:30am-1:00pm. The menu will consist of a baked potato and taco bar with dine-in or to-go available. Cost is a donation to help Justin, Jamison, and Hermoiney pay for their band trip to Disney in February and Justin's Spanish trip to Puerto Rico next June. Thank you! 

Youth Group Activity

The Youth Group will be going to the Willard Hope Fest on Sunday, August 11, 2024. Christi is planning to leave St Paul's at 4:30pm. Please bring your own chairs and we will plan to get supper on the way. Please see Christi with any further questions. 

St Paul's Church Directory

Council is looking for help with a new Church Directory. If you are willing to make phone calls and assist in the process of a new picture directory, please contact the office or one of the current Council Members. The sooner there are volunteers, the sooner the project will get started. Thank you!

NALC Flood Bucket Build Event

In support of the NALC Disaster Response, Trinity Lutheran Church in Crestline will once again be hosting a Flood Bucket Build Event on Saturday, September 14, 9am-12pm. You are invited to please consider attending the event in order to help out and/or donating supplies to help with assembling the buckets. A list of the items needed is located on the wooden table in the back of the sanctuary. All donations can be brought in at any time and left in the back of the sanctuary. Your support is greatly appreciated!

BORN Blessing Box Donations

A box is still available in the back of the sanctuary for the BORN Blessing Box donations. Your continued support of this community service is greatly appreciated!

2024 Lay Readers Sign-Up

The schedule/sign-up sheet for the 2024 Lay Readers is hanging on the bulletin board at the back of the sanctuary in the main entrance (by the Altar Flower Chart). Volunteers are still needed throughout the year for both services and it does not need to be a month commitment if you are not able. Please feel free to sign up or contact Debbi Gifford or the office if you have questions or are able to help out.

Communion Assistants Needed

Communion Assistants are needed once a month, especially for the 8:15am worship service. If this is something you might be able to help out with, please contact Cheryl Luidhardt or the office. Thank you!

Help Needed to Run the Sound System

Help is needed with running the sound system during the worship services, especially the 8:15am service. If this is something that you would be interested in learning, please let the office know or talk to Brandon.

Sunday School Director Needed

The Education Department is in need of a Sunday School Director and also someone to lead the younger children in Music at the beginning of the Sunday School Hour each Sunday and while singing during the Worship Services once a month. Please see Dave Crum if this is something that you feel may be a good fit for you.

Photo Privacy

Please contact the office if you do not wish to have your photo in the newsletter, website, or the church social media site(s). Our wishes are to protect our member's privacy while still promoting our church to the community.

Portals of Prayer

The July, August & September Portals of Prayer are available at all the entrances to the sanctuary and in the office.

Save Your Aluminum Can Tabs

Please save your aluminum can tabs to benefit the Ronald McDonald House. You will find a container on the table in the back of the Church and in the Fellowship Hall. Thank you!

Kroger Community Rewards

Thank you to everyone who has signed up through Kroger Community Rewards. If you are not signed up, login to and the find the community rewards. Our organization is St. Paul's Youth and our number is EL241. Thanks again.